Overview of the 'Metoo Movement' in South Korea and
페이지 정보
작성자 운영자 작성일20-03-20 13:47 조회3,267회 댓글0건첨부파일
INEB Conference Schedule - October 2019.pdf (184.6K) 1회 다운로드 DATE : 2020-03-20 13:47:48
Overview of the 'Metoo Movement' in South Korea and Proposal of organizing "Solidarity of Buddhist anti-sexual violence against women
(한국의 미투운동과 반성폭력 불교여성연대를 제안하며)
- table of contents -
1. Introduction
2. Development of 'the Metoo' Movement in Korean Religious Field
1) From 'the Metoo' Movement to Anti-Hidden camera shoot Demonstration
2) The 'the Metoo' Movement Covers the Religious Society
3) Religious sexual violence, the silent cartel
3. The Buddha's Teachings reading Sexual Violence
1) Scriptural interpretation of 'inappropriate sexual behavior'
2) For the Metoo Movement in buddhism
3) Examples of Solidarity among Religious Women
4. Conclusion: Suggesting the Solidarity of Buddhist Women in Anti-Sexual Violence
The 19th Biennial INEB Conference and Celebrating 30th Anniversary of INEB, Deer Park Institute, Bir, India, 22 – 24 October 2019
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